Statements - Marc De Graeve
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 marc de graeve

Statement 2021

We now know with certainty that “life” and “survival” is the challenge of the 21st century, Contemporary knowledge, technology, and science can help us with this. The enormous innovations are not only necessary, but also fascinating, but sometimes also dangerous. The artists are always in search of truth, freedom, and usually critical of our existence. The imagery of classical art is an illustration of a man on our planet.

Today’s scientists are finding the building blocks of life in the universe. With today’s technology, we can perceive the building blocks and structures of life. This gives the contemporary artist access to the smallest details of the building blocks and the material. With “life” we must also think of “survival.” Ecology is a science, a knowledge that must continue to ensure our survival. With a better knowledge of genetics, we can visualize many elements of ‘life’ today.

We must also look for the meaning of ‘life’ in art. The tens of thousands of years depicting civilization are proof of this experiment. Depicting life processes was also a task for the artist. With the knowledge of contemporary biotechnology, we can perceive the building blocks and structures of life. That is why it is important to admire this knowledge and to let others enjoy these images. In the last century, most artists have been looking for new expressions. The art directions became too diverse due to the many experiments and stunts. Being afraid of new knowledge technology is irresponsible. Standing still is going backward.

However, nature is surprisingly more creative and we can also freely portray our creativity in various domains. There is no set pattern for allowing this enormous variety, our own imagination, and interpretation. In the past, the image of humanity was usually central to the figuration. Now it becomes insight, to the true face, of life itself. Who are we and from what is man, in this complex whole?

Just as we like to talk about contemporary art today, so should we. Our ultimate goal is to live and survive. Understanding all of this better is very elementary. An artist today must have a personal vision, arouse fantasy, especially based on the knowledge of being.

Knowledge is timeless.       Art belongs to humans.
mdg 2021